403B and Match values being reported in VRS Defined Contribution file and should not be

Description of Issue

The 403B-Indicator and Match-Assignment are reporting for some employees and shouldn't be, because the employer doesn't participate in the Commonwealth of Virginia 457 Deferred Compensation plan.

  • Payroll
  • Virginia
  • VRS Defined Contribution Reporting

The Employee Groups functionality is used to identify employees that need to report with a 403B Indicator or Match Assignment value other than blank. 

403B and Match Group codes were defined on the Employee Groups tab of the Generate screen, and Employee Group records had been created for affected employees.


Remove the Groups defined on the Employee Groups tab of the VRS Defined Contribution Reporting Generate screen and/or use the Mass Delete option in the Employee Groups program to remove the Employee Group records created for the defined 403B and Match Group codes.

Additional Information

Reference Employee Groups in the VRS Defined Contribution Reporting document for additional details.