Excel Formula and Munis Cubes
Excel Formula and Munis Cubes
Description of Issue
- Cube does not have an option needed and site would like to use cube variable data to facilitate the needed calculation in Excel
- Needs assistance with Microsoft Cube Formula in Excel
- Cubes
- Microsoft Office Excel
- Formula
- Help
Cube does not have the built in functionality site would like to utilize for a needed report but wants to still use Munis Cube in Excel
- Use Microsoft Office Excel's built in or online Help options to learn about Excel formulas
- Use an internet browser search for the needed formula and use it to assist creating it in Excel.
Additional Information
- Product Suggestions (non billable) or Product Request for Quote (RFQ = billable) can always be submitted to have option built into Cubes
Please review the Master Article - Cubes Reporting with Excel for all Cubes related topics.