Time Entry Import permissions

Time Entry Import permissions

Description of Issue

Does a user have to be a payroll superuser to have access to import Time Entry? 

  • Time Entry
  • User Attributes
  • Roles
  • Workflow Business Rules


If there are no PRT business rules setup, the User will need to have a Role with Payroll Superuser permissions. 

  1. Go to User Attributes. (System Administration>Security>User Attributes
  2. Search for the User ID. Click Accept. On Roles tab, click the line with the role to be adjusted. 
  3. Click the Edit Role button. 
  4. Click HR Management/Payroll
  5. Click Update. Choose Payroll Superuser - Yes, no restrictions. Click Accept
    1. Please see document for Functionality lost when NOT a payroll superuser for more information on superuser status. 

If the User should NOT have the access a Payroll Superuser provides, a PRT business rule will need to be created. If you do not use workflow:

  1. Go to Workflow Business Rules. (System Administration>Workflow Administration>Workflow Business Rules)
  2. Click Add. Define Process as PRT
  3. Define an Approver. Define Step field as 0. Type will be NOT-Notification Only and Type is Notify. Click Accept

Creating the business rule eliminates the necessity of users having Payroll Superuser Access in order to Import into Time Entry. 

Additional Information