Inquiry Only access to Employee Inquiry programs in Detail screen

Description of Issue

How can I give an employee inquiry only access to Employee Inquiry information, such as in Detail then Employee Pay, Employee Deductions etc.?

  • Munis
  • User Attributes
  • Roles


To provide Inquiry Only access, the user needs Menu Access, Data Access and Inquiry Only Category Access on their Role.

  1. Go to User Attributes. (System Administration>Security>User Attributes)
  2. Search for the user. Click Accept. Click on the applicable Role. Click Edit Role. 
  3. Click the Menu Security tab. Double click through the menu path and confirm the Employee Inquiry program is checked and the applicable Employee Job/Salary, Employee Deductions etc are not checked. 
  4. Click back on the Module View tab. Click HR Management/Payroll. 
  5. Confirm there is applicable Data Access defined with Full or Limited. 
    1. If Limited, define codes in the yellow folder. 
  6. Click the Category Access Tab. Confirm the category has either Inquiry only or Hide SSN (Inquiry) defined under Employee Master column.
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