MA showing in Allocation Proj field on Time Entry Proof Detail Report

Description of Issue

When running the Time Entry Proof Detail Report, MA is showing in the Allocation/Proj field

  • Munis
  • Payroll Processing
  • Time Entry
  • Allocations

If MA prints under Org Object Project column, or Alloc/Account column if using long GL account, this indicates the accounts for the pay type were rolled up into a manual allocation.


You can view the detail of the manual allocation a few ways.  Open Payroll > Payroll Processing > Payroll Start and Status > search for the payroll warrant > click Change.

  1. Select Earnings and Deductions Proof > click Define > select option B – Detail Proof > click Accept > output the report (Print, PDF, Display, etc)
  2. Or, open Earnings and Deductions > search for the employee > click Pay tab > double click on the pay line > click GL Allocation