Updating SSL Certificates on Tyler Servers

Description of Issue

Our certificate is expiring soon. Where does that need to be updated and how is it replaced?

  • SSL
  • Certificates
  • Certs
  • On-Prem
  • On Premise




  • For self-signed Cert, Tyler does not provide advice or technical support.
  • For wildcard Cert, Tyler does sprovide technical support.
  • Plan ahead! Be cognizant of SSL certificate expiration dates to avoid downtime and interruptions to Tyler servers and products.
  • It is the responsibility of On-Premise clients to renew their certificate with their vendor.
  • .PFX format is the most straightforward way to apply a new certificate.
  • If requesting assistance from TSM Support to update the certificate, it is the responsibility of the client to provide the certificate as a .PFX file and the associated password. 
  • If there is a wildcard certificate, it can be used it on every site that meets the wildcard requirement. For instance, a wildcard certificate issued to *.sitename.com can serve both munis.sitename.com and tcm.sitename.com. If there is not a wildcard certificate, a certificate will need to be provided for each domain name that needs to be secured.

Certificates need to be replaced on the following EERP (Munis) related servers:

For assistance updating certificates on EERP (Munis) servers, please contact Munis TSM Support or log a case via the Online Support Client Portal

Time & Attendance (ExecuTime) related servers:

For assistance updating certificates on Time & Attendance (ExecuTime) servers, please contact ExecuTime TSM Support or log a case via the Online Support Client Portal

Additional Information