Exemptions duplicating on Current Parcels

Description of Issue
  • The exemptions on Current Parcels appear to be duplicating. 
  • The Exemptions folder on a or many Current Parcel(s) contains more than one of the same exemption. 
  • Property Tax Billing 
  • Vision 
  • Y2K 
  • Parcels (txremast)

While this issue could have many causes, one of the known and the most common causes is that the Vision Y2K file was imported incorrectly. 


When importing the Vision Y2K CAMA file for Real Estate to update the Owner Names on the Current Parcels, Future should be selected as the Update option in the Additional options section of the Import Real Estate CAMA to Munis define. 

Each time the Y2k CAMA file is imported into Current instead of Future, an exemption will be added to each parcel that receives the exemption due to the specific formatting of the Y2K file. 

To resolve this issue, import the Vision Y2k CAMA file for Real Estate with Future selected as the Update option in the Additional options section of the Import Real Estate CAMA to Munis define. The duplicate exemptions should be removed. 

If a faster solution is needed on a smaller scale, exemptions for Current parcels can always be deleted in the Parcels program. For procedural documentation on how to do this, please see: Delete exemption off of a Current Parcel

Additional Information