Next Year Budget Reports - Type 3 does not include employee information for imported Detail Lines

Description of Issue

Next Year Budget Detail Report does not include employee information for detail lines that were imported through Define/Start Budget Projection


Next Year Budget Reports

Next Year Budget Detail Report



Work ticket MUN-476942 is open with development to address this issue. While that ticket is outstanding, the Excel export option can be used to include Employee names for lines where the Employee Number as imported. For a PDF output method, see the steps below.

Financials > Budget Processing > Next Year Budget Entry

  1.  Enter desired Projection Number.
  2. Accept
  3. Enter desired account criteria
    1. Leave blank to include all accounts within the projection.
  4. Accept
  5.  PDF
  6. Select the Budget Entry Report option
  7. OK 
  8. Check the boxes for Include detail and Include employee names
  9. Accept