Restrict Access to Specific Account Receivable Code

Description of Issue

Restrict user from using specific AR Code 

  • Security
  • User Attributes 
  • Accounts Receivables 


  1. Navigate to the User Attributes program either by going to:  System Administration > Security > User Attributes
  2. Click Search.
  3. Enter the User ID, Name, or E-mail.
  4. Click Accept. 
  5. Click the Roles tab and determine which role(s) grant the Accounts Receivable Account Access.
  6. Click Edit Role.
  7. Under General Revenues Click Accounts Receivable.
  8. Click Update 
  9. Under Data Access, Click the yellow folder.
  10. Click Add
  11. Enter desired  AR Code, then Click Accept.
  12. Click Close. 
Additional Information