Exemption amount is incorrect on MLC
Exemption amount is incorrect on MLC
Description of Issue
- The exemption amount printing on a Municipal Lien Certificate (MLC) is incorrect.
- The exemption amount on a Municipal Lien Certificate (MLC) is double.
- The exemption amount on a Municipal Lien Certificate is too high.
- Property Tax Billing
- Municipal Lien Certificate (tmalienc)
- Exemptions
- Parcels (txremast)
MLCs print the exemption totals for the Current version of the parcel. Likely, the exemption totals for the current version of the parcel are incorrect. This can be caused by a bad CAMA import or incorrectly importing a CAMA file.
This is most commonly caused and resolved by: Exemptions duplicating on Current Parcels
If the above article does not resolve the issue, the exemptions of the current parcel can always be manually maintained and updated so that the MLC will be correct.
Additional Information
If additional assistance is required, please contact Tax Support for the appropriate region.