Error when Printing W-2s - Cannot continue with forms printer - Incorrect W-2 Print Options Selected

Description of Issue

When trying to print W-2s from the Wizard, I'm getting an error:

Munis (prw2wzrd)

Cannot continue with forms printer. An error occurred while loading XML file. Status - 15632

Additional Detail:
FILE 'file:/e/munXXXXprod/temp/muXXXXX.xml' LINE 1, COL 1: Start tag expected, '<' not found

  • Payroll

  • W-2 and 1099-R Processing

  • W-2 Wizard

  • W-2 Forms Print

  • Tyler Forms 

  • ReadyForms


The Option of Preprinted was selected with a W-2 Form Laser Option but in the Output screen a Tyler Forms Printer was selected. 


If using Tyler Forms DocOrigin or ReadyForms and selecting a Tyler Forms printer, then W-2 Print Options need to be Blank Forms and TYLXML. 

  1. From within the W-2 Wizard, Print Step. 

  2. Click the Options Tab.

  3. Under W-2 Print Options, click the Blank Forms radio button. 

  4. In the W-2 Form drop down, select TYLXML - TYLER FORMS W-2. 

  5. In the Form printing type, select Tyler Forms DocOrigin or ReadyForms. 

  6. Continue with the Print Tabs within the Wizard, once finished, click Print W-2s. 

  7. In the output screen, define the applicable Tyler Forms Printer, Job, etc. if applicable. Click Ok. 

Additional Information

In the error, it shows the print is trying to create an XML file, this is an indicator that the incorrect combination of settings on the Print tab is being selected compared to the Printer (Tyler Forms) being selected in the output screen.Â