TPAR Put an Account on Hold

TPAR Put an Account on Hold

Description of Issue

We have some accounts with invoices that are not paid. We would like to be able to put the account on hold so they cannot register for more classes or rent more facilities until they've paid the invoices they have. 

  • TPAR

  • Parks & Rec

  • Tyler Parks and Recreation



  1. Go to Administration > Parks & Rec Setup > Restrictions

  2. Create a Restriction and add a name and description

  3. In the Settings tab, select what you would like for this to prevent.

    1. Class Registration/Facility Rentals: Prevents new registrations of this type being made in the Citizen Portal or Admin Portal. 

    2. Cash/Check/Credit Card/Etc. payment: Prevents use of this tender towards any transaction.

  4. Save.

  5. Go to Parks & Rec > Contacts > Search

  6. Find this citizen and drill into their Contact profile. 

  7. Click on the Notifications/Alerts tab. 

  8. Add the Restriction to the Contact. 

Additional Information