TPAR - Change Banner Images on Portal Homepage
How do you change the banner images on the TPAR homepage?
Banner images not linking to classes.
How to change the default images on the Portal.
Parks & Rec
Tyler Parks and Recreation
To replace a default banner image with one tied to a class:
Navigate to Parks & Rec>Class>Search.
Find a class you would like to feature on the homepage.
Select the Edit icon.
Select Is Special Event.
Select Show on Portal.
Click the Documents tab in the left-hand sidebar.
Name the document.
In the description, enter the text that will display underneath the image on the portal. To feature the image only, leave this blank.
Click Browse and locate the image associated with this class on your hard drive.
Click Open.
Click Upload.
Select both Registration and Promo.
Once the portal homepage has been reloaded, the custom image will take the place of one of the six default images in the slideshow.
The default banner images are 600x200 pixels. We recommend resizing/cropping any custom images to match this size before uploading. Otherwise, the homepage will expand and contract to accommodate the size of each image during the slideshow.
Images can only be linked to Classes. There is currently no functionality built into TPAR to link Memberships or Rental Items.
To replace the default banner images themselves, please contact Parks & Rec support. Note that any custom default images will need to be added again if your PROD environment is updated.