Add Image to TPAR Server
Upload a custom image to include on the portal home page.
Insert a logo or custom image into an automated email template.
Parks & Rec
Tyler Parks & Recreation
On Prem
Any image included in the portal homepage descriptions or email templates must first be uploaded to the site's App Server.
Open your App Server in File Explorer or Internet Information Services (IIS)
Navigate to C:\inetpub\wwwroot
Create a folder named images.
Paste your image into this folder.
Optional: Rename the filetype so it is all one word.
Open a web browser.
Enter your base URL.
The first part of your Parks Administration portal URL, up to .com/.net/.gov/etc.
Add /images/(any sub-folders)/(name of the image file).(filetype) to the base URL.
If the image loads in your web browser, it can be used in Parks & Rec. Copy the URL.
Navigate to Administration > System Setup > Portal Settings.
Scroll down to Portal Special Event HTML.
Click your cursor where the image should be.
Click Upload Image in the editor toolbar.
Paste the URL created earlier.
Dimensions will load automatically, but can be adjusted to a smaller size.
Image description is optional.
Click Ok.
Scroll to the bottom of the Portal Settings page and Save.
Above steps require administrative access to your site's App Server.
If you experience any issues following the same steps for Email Templates, we recommend upgrading to TPAR version 2022.1.18 or higher.
SaaS Clients, please create a case with Parks & Rec Support to perform these steps. Include the image you would like to upload.