Error updating Fee Charge Code Amounts
When updating the amount on a Fee Charge Code the error: The total rate for all revenue lines XXXX must equal XXXX appears.
Accounts Receivable
Account Receivable Charge Codes (archgmnt)
Charge Codes (archgmnt)
General Revenue
Property Revenue
After updating the Amount the Revenue Account was not updated with the new fee amount.
Navigate to the Accounts Receivable Charge Codes program by searching or following the path: General Revenue or Property Revenue > Accounts Receivable > Setup> Accounts Receivable Charge Codes.
Click Search and enter the Year, Code, Category of the Charge Code to update and click Accept.
Click Update and update the amount to the new amount.
Click the Accounts tab and press the Tab button until the Revenue Accounts Amount field is highlighted.
Set the Amount equal to the Amount of the charge.
Click Accept.
If additional assistance is required, please contact the appropriate support team based on the category of the fee being updated.