TPAR Collections Export gives MUERROR after Update to 2023.1.5

Description of Issue

After updating Parks & Rec to version 2023.1.5, attempting to run the Collections Export (Service) for Enterprise ERP results in the error:

Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. MUERROR: Error returned by BatchManager.createBatch

  • TPAR
  • Parks & Rec
  • Tyler Parks and Recreation
  • EERP
  • Enterprise ERP
  • Munis
  • Integrations

A fix was implemented into 2023.1.5 to solve a GL issue with Account Credit Transactions. The new settings may be interfering with the export if they have not yet been set up. 


If your site regularly uses Account Credits, please follow these steps to setup for 2023.1.5:

TPAR Account Credit GL Information Not Passed to Enterprise ERP

If not, do the following:

  1. Navigate to Administration > System Setup > Integration Settings. 
  2. Expand the Collections Export configuration. 
  3. Save. Change nothing. 
Additional Information

These steps are not necessary if Parks is integrated with ERP Pro or New World ERP rather than Enterprise ERP.Â