Error in Deferred Bill Processing when choosing a Mark Due date in a prior fiscal year

Description of Issue
  • Deferred Bill Processing errors when Marked Due to a prior fiscal year.

  • Error in Deferred Bill Processing when the interest effective date used to Mark Due is in a prior fiscal year.

  • Error creating batch for interest calculations

  • Enterprise ERP 

  • Property Tax Billing

  • Tax

  • Deferred Bill Processing

  • txdefbil


The Interest Effective Date entered on screen is back-dated into a prior fiscal year.


Development has created MUN-477262 to address this issue. Please install this ticket when it becomes available.

There is no direct workaround short of using a date in the current fiscal year.

Additional Information

Some users have reported success in manually calculating and adjusting interest onto the bill to simulate the mark due process. Please attempt this workaround, if desired, in a non-Live environment and contact tax support if assistance is needed.