GB Workflow Approval Unknown Error Locking invoices
Error message encountered when approving Invoice Batch
General Billing
Invoice Entry and Proof
User deleted or voided the invoice while there were still pending actions.
There is the ability to assign an alternative approver, update action details, or delete pending actions; however, you cannot create additional pending actions. The entries appear oldest to newest within their process code groupings. Find the pending actions that are stuck, and delete them.
Munis> System Administration > Workflow Administration > Pending Actions (Administration Mode).
Click Search.
Select drop the down, and choose the pending action then click Accept
Click Delete
The Pending Actions program displays all current pending actions for your organization. The program generates multiple pending actions from a single business rule if that rule has multiple approvers or one or more roles attached to it. Pending actions are sent to Workflow Assistant and sorted in order of their date/time stamp. The entries appear oldest to newest within their process code groupings.