TX TRS Report Generate - Reason Codes tab

TX TRS Report Generate - Reason Codes tab

Description of Issue

What is this tab on the TRS Generate used for?

  • Payroll

  • Texas

  • TX TRS Report




There are two Reason Code Types on the Reason Codes tab.  One is used to Generate an RP20 for emps on Leave WithOut Pay (LWOP) and the other is used to define a default value for the Zero Day Reason Code value. 


When the Reason Code Type is Inactive Leave Without Pay, the Reason Code Value should be the Inactive Reason code used on the Employee Master to indicate that an employee is Inactive because they are on Leave Without Pay.

If the Generate finds an Employee Master record with the defined Inactive Reason code, an RP20 is created for the employee regardless of whether or not there is also an active TRS deduction in Employee Deductions for that employee. This piece of functionality was more meaningful when RP20 records were dependent on payroll activity, rather than the presence of an active TRS Deduction in Employee Deductions.

Zero Day Reason Code

When the Reason Code Type is Default Zero Days Reason Code , the Reason Code Value should be the value you want to see reported on the RP20 record for employees that have 0 Days and either do not have a TX TRS Maintenance record, or do not have a Zero Day Reason Code defined on the TRS Maintenance record.

The Generate will use Zero Day Reason from TRS Maintenance, if populated (and Days are 0). 

If there is no TRS Maintenance record, or there is no Zero Day Reason Code defined on the TRS Maintenance record, the Generate will use the Default Zero Day Reason Code defined on the Reason Codes tab (if Days are 0). 

Otherwise, Zero Day Reason Code will Generate as blank on the RP20 and must be manually maintained when Days are 0. 

Additional Information

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