Unmapped Objects appear in Mid-Year Submission PEIMS
Unmapped Objects appear in Mid-Year Submission PEIMS
Description of Issue
How do I exclude an expense account from Generating a 20032/032 Actuals record?
How do I exclude a revenue account from Generating a 20032/032 Actuals record?
How do I exclude an expenditure account from PEIMS Actuals?
Why are unmapped objects Generating into MidYear PEIMS?
General Ledger
TX PEIMS Finance Records
TSDS Reporting
TEA does not note a scenario where audited expenditure or revenue data would be excluded from the reporting and as such, the program doesn't allow it.
Unmapped values Generate into the Period Record with all Xs.
The program does allow you to search for the X values and use the Purge option to delete them.
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