How to Refresh On-Prem New Production Enterprise ERP Environment from Current Production During Parallel Testing of New System

Description of Issue
  • We have built a new set of on-prem servers for Enterprise ERP during our Server Migration appointment and we need more current Munis data in the new system for testing.
  • OnPrem How to Refresh a Non-Live Production Environment
  • How to refresh a non-live production environment from a current production environment when the current production is on a lower major version of Munis then the non-live production environment
  • Moving current production data into a non-live production environment for testing purposes
  • EERP (formerly Munis)
  • On-Prem Specific
  • Data Refresh
  • Server Migration
  • Copy EERP Prod DB to New Host



Access required for performing the tasks outlined below: 

  • Access to the database servers
  • Access to Tyler Deploy
  • Access to an account with system administration rights within Tyler Hub and Enterprise ERP

Before Starting:

You may be eligible for a Data Refresh appointment with our Enterprise ERP deployment team: How to Schedule a EERP Data Refresh Appointment with Tyler


  1. Run the Upgrade Prep Utility's Data Integrity Assistant in the Source environment to ensure source Munis database data conditions are clear: Running the Upgrade Prep Utility
  2. Back up the Target Enterprise ERP Database in case you need to revert back to it: Backup a SQL Database

Important: User account roles, Printer Definitions, and ReadyForms Delivery Definitions are stored in the Munis database and overwrite the target environment when refreshed. To preserve these configurations from the target environment, perform the following: 

  • If you are planning to upgrade or update Enterprise ERP in the target environment as part of this refresh, and you would like to preserve the items below, it's recommended to update the target environment first before performing the following preservation tasks, to minimize chances of export incompatibility. 
  1. Preserve User Accounts and Roles in the target environment before starting the refresh: How to Preserve User Accounts and Roles when Refreshing a Munis Environment
  2. Preserve Forms Printer Definitions in the target environment before starting the refresh: Export and Import Printer Definitions and create a backup
  3. Preserve ReadyForms Delivery Definitions in the target environment before starting the refresh: How to Export and Import ReadyForms Delivery Definitions

Perform the Refresh:

  1. Backup the source Munis database: Backup a SQL Database
  2. Copy the backup file to the new database server and restore the backup to the target Munis database: How to Restore a SQL Database From Backup
  3. Force-Redeploy the existing version of Enterprise ERP in the target system. Make sure the keyword "transfer" is present in the tenant name:  How to Run or Schedule an Update in Tyler Deploy for a Product
    1. If Server Prerequisites are indicated, Install Server Prerequisites in Tyler Deploy

Post-Refresh Tasks: