Reverse Payment Plan Receipt NSF This bill has been transferred to a payment plan. Reversals may not be performed

Description of Issue

Trying to reverse a payment plan payment due to NSF, when selecting the payment plan receipt as well as the transfer to and transfer from receipts, the following message displays on the screen: This bill has been transferred to a payment plan. Reversals may not be performed.

  • Payment Plan

  • NSF

  • Reverse Receipt


There is an issue in the code where the program is not looking at the transfer to and transfer from receipts correctly when using the NSF button to reverse the transactions due to NSF

  • Note: Regular Reversal reverses PPLAN payment, Transfer From and and Transfer To transaction on linked bill(s) as expected


Priority 1 work ticket MUN-483127 (NSF Reversal of Cat 45 payment does not reverse Transfer From/Transfer To transactions) is currently open with Development to resolve the issue. Currently there is no work around. 

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