External Tasks fails to submit to EnerGov - Due to Request Type missing a required data entry field

Description of Issue
  • External Task fails to submit to EnerGov due to the Request Type missing a required data entry field 

  • Error in WindowsService Log: Error submitting CodeCase task to EnerGov. System.Exception: Unable to assign data entry field value

  • Tyler 311

  • Enterprise Service Requests 

  • ESR

  • EnerGov

  • Enterprise Permitting & Licensing 

  • EPL 


If there is a required custom field for the Code Case in EnerGov, then in 311 the data entry field needs to be on the request type and required as well

  1. Verify the data entry fields in 311 match the field defined in the custom data field layout in EnerGov

  2. If any field are missing, run the Data Entry Field Sync process from the EnerGov External System 

  3. After running the Data Entry Field Sync process, the data entry fields in 311 should match the list of custom fields defined in EnerGov for each code case 

Additional Information

Refer to Master Article - External Task fails to submit to EnerGov for other reasons as to why the External Tasks fails to submit to EnerGov