Which Report Can I Run To Review Pay Codes And Comments

Description of Issue

Need to review a report in ExecuTime which can pull data for a pay code used and what comments were used by the employee.

  • ExecuTime

  • ET

  • TimeKeeping

  • Reports



Running the following report in ExecuTime can provide you the pay code and comment used:

  1. Navigate to Reports

  2. Click on Consecutive Pay Code Usage

  3. Fill in the following report Report Parameters

  4. Pay Period → Select the drop-down and input your pay period the employee is apart of

  5. Pay Period Range → Select the pay period dates you wish to pull the data from

  6. Organizational Type → Select the drop-down for the parameter you wish to pull the data from

  7. Organizational Unit → Select the drop-down for the parameter for the chosen Organizational Type

  8. Pay Code → Select the drop-down pay code that you want to review

  9. Check the box for Show Transactions to provide the comment on the report

  10. Click Run Report

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