Approve and Submit Button is Greyed Out

Approve and Submit Button is Greyed Out

Description of Issue

When attempting to submit an employee timecard to the Supervisor for approval, the Approve & Submit button is greyed out.

  • ET 

  • ExecuTime

  • TimeKeeping

  • Workflow

  • Time Approvals


The employee does not have a Primary nor a Secondary setup in their Workflow configuration. 


In order for the employee to submit their timecard for approval:

  1. Navigate to System Admin

  2. Workflow Management

  3. Workflow Approvals

  4. Click on the two people under Primary Approvers for desired step

  5. Hit the + mark to either create a new Primary or Scroll through the list to locate a Primary to apply the employee

  6. Click on Criteria once you find the Primary approver you'd wish to apply the employee to

  7. Select the pencil icon if by employee or select the + icon to add the employee to a different Org Unit

  8. Select the drop-down for Organization Type and select Employee

  9. Select the drop-down for Organizational Unit(s) and find the Employee and check the box next to their name

  10. Click the check icon for save 

  11. Click Done

Additional Information