Payroll Data does not Generate for TX PEIMS Staff File Records

Description of Issue

TX PEIMS Staff File Generate creates Staff records, but no Payroll records (also known as 060 records, or 30060 records). 

  • Payroll

  • Texas 

  • TX PEIMS Staff File Records


Payroll Activity Codes missing.


Payroll Activity Codes need to be mapped to Munis Pay codes using Crosswalk Type PEIMPAYACT in the State Reporting Crosswalk Codes program.  
One crosswalk record needs to exist for each pay type a 30060 Payroll record should be created for.  

To create: 

  1.  Open the PEIMS Staff File Records program.

  2. Select Crosswalk.

  3. Select Define.

  4. Select PEIMPAYACT – Pays to PEIMS Activity Codes from the Crosswalk Type drop down list.  Note: After selecting the Crosswalk Type, the Munis Code column will automatically populate with all existing Munis values that can be mapped. This list will update each time the program is opened so any new Munis pay codes that have been added since the last time the program has been accessed, will display.

  5. Select Update.

  6. In the Crosswalk Code column, enter the PEIMS Activity Code value that should be associated with each Munis pay code.  

  7. Select Accept to save the values entered. 

Additional Information

Reference Code Table Id C018 PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE on the Texas Web-Enabled Data Standards (TWEDS) website for the list of valid PEIMS Payroll Activity Code values.

Reference TX PEIMS Processing - Submission 1 for additional details on the Munis PEIMS processing steps.