User was able to enter a transaction in a period prior to or beyond the default period

Description of Issue

How did a user make an entry in a period that was not the default period?

At the time an entry was made, the Default Year/Period in General Ledger Settings did not match the period on the transaction.

  • User Attributes
  • General Journal Entry
  • Accounting Entries

User had a role assigned that granted permission to enter transactions in a period outside of the default period.


There are two General Ledger permissions that can be adjusted to prevent a user from entering transactions in another period:

  1. Deselect Override accounting period permission if checked off.
  2. Adjust the number of periods for Allow transactions in periods prior to the default and/or Allow transactions in periods beyond the default.

Please see Additional Information if further instructions are needed.

Additional Information

Instructions to adjust permissions to prevent transactions in other periods: 

System Administration > Security > User Attributes

  1. Search for user.
  2. Highlight relevant role.  Any changes to a role will impact all users in the role.
  3. Click Edit Role below the roles.
  4. Select the yellow folder next to General Ledger.
  5. Click Update.
  6. Deselect Override accounting period if it was checked off.
  7. Adjust the number of periods for Allow transactions in periods prior to the default  and/or Allow transactions in periods beyond the default to zero if only allowed to enter in default period.
  8. Accept