Description field is grayed out when trying to enter budget detail in Next Year Budget Entry
Why is the description field grayed out when trying to add budget detail?
Next Year Budget Entry
Budget Detail
This issue occurs when adding only Salary detail from the Detail Info screen.
This is by design. During salary detail entry, there is a field called Employee Number, which allows the employee's information to then be pulled and automatically entered into the Description. If this field needs to be edited, the workaround below can be followed.
Add the budget detail without the Description field.
Back out and completely Close out of Next Year Budget Entry
Reopen Next Year Budget Entry and open the budget projection
Select the correct account and click Detail Info
Click Update
Enter data in the Description field
Click Accept
Note: Backing out and closing NYBE is a necessary step. Simply clicking Update immediately after adding the detail or before closing NYBE will not work.