Can Payroll Advices be scheduled to email on the check date of the payroll

Description of Issue

We process payroll prior to the check date. Is there a way to schedule the emailed advices to send on the check date of the payroll? 

  • Payroll Start and Status
  • Print Payroll Advices
  • Tyler Forms


Advices can be processed and saved to the Spool Directory then reprinted on the check date to send the emails. 

When initially processing payroll:

  1. Click the Print Payroll Advices step (Payroll>Payroll Processing>Payroll Start and Status. Search for warrant. Click Accept. Click Change. Click Print Payroll Advices)
  2. Note the Starting Advice number. 
  3. Define as you typically would, except when the Output screen pops up, select Save instead of selecting your printer. Click Ok.
    1. This saves the advices to the Spool Directory which does not physically print the advices, it does not send the advice emails nor create TCM advice images. 
  4. Continue processing payroll as usual. 
  5. On the check date of the payroll (or the date you want the advice emails to go out) go back into the Print Payroll Advices step.
  6. Use How to reprint Payroll Advices article to reprint the payroll advices. 
    1. When the printer is selected, the physically printed advices will print, the advice emails will be sent and the TCM advice images are created.
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