Payroll Advices did not Print Due to Printer Issues

Payroll Advices did not Print Due to Printer Issues

Description of Issue

We ran the print advice step but our printer was having issues.  We need to run the step again.

Appears that only some of the advices printed due to a printer issue. 

  • Payroll
  • Payroll Start and Status
  • Print Payroll Advices
  • Print Payroll Checks
  • ReadyForms


The advice/check run must be deleted and re-processed.

***Verify that a copy of the advice/check register exists prior to deleting the advice/check run to note the original starting advice/check number.***

  1. Access Payroll Start and Status: Human Resources/Payroll > Payroll > Payroll Processing > Payroll Start and Status
  2. Search on the payroll Run Type and Warrant that requires the reprint. Click Accept, then click Change in the menu
  3. Click Print Payroll Advices/Print Payroll Checks, select Yes to the prompt to verify the appropriate payroll is active and select Yes to the prompt stating Direct Deposit Advices Already Printed/Payroll Checks Already Printed
  4. Click Delete in the ribbon and select Yes to the prompt stating Delete advices from current payroll?/Delete checks from current payroll?
  5. Click Change in the ribbon and enter the originally used advice/check number.
  6. Click  Accept and select Print Checks/Adv in the menu of the ribbon
  7. Select Munis Printer options specific to your site.