Master Article - EAM modernized fuel import
Description of Issue
Information about the new EAM modernized fuel import introduced in version 2021.12
- Enterprise Asset Management
- Versions 2021.12 and above
General questions:
- Are work orders still created if modernized fuel imports are meter-only
- Customize how often the Fuel Preprocessing program refreshes
- Fuel date cannot be before XX-XX-XXXX - date exceeds prior day limit of X days
- Fuel Import error - Asset cross reference type is not configured
- Fuel Import error - Asset type requires servicing department to validate fuel type location combination
- Fuel Import error - Prior day validation limit is not configured
- Fuel Import error report does not include asset codes
- Fuel Import work orders are triggering the WOC business rule
- Fuel Type field is grayed out in Asset Registry
- Fuel work orders remain open after reversing fuel
- How does the modernized fuel import create work orders for the fuel import
- How does the modernized fuel import know which GL distribution codes to use for the work orders it automatically creates
- How to change the accounting method on a fuel work order
- How to generate a report of Fuel Preprocessing errors
- How to identify assets on fuel work orders
- How to process meter-only imports using the modernized fuel import
- How to remove an imported fuel cost detail record from a work order- 2021.12 and above
- How to set up AR or GL distribution codes on an asset for the Modernized Fuel Import
- How to set up fuel billing work orders to bill multiple AR customers
- How to use modernized fuel import when GL distribution codes are specific to individual assets and not to all assets of a specific type
- Imported fleet or equipment asset user assigned vehicle identification number does not exist
- Is there a quicker way to populate the new modernized fuel import fields on EAM assets
- Modernized Fuel Import API setup
- Ribbon options missing in Work Order Management for fuel work orders
- There are fuel management configuration issues in Asset Maintenance
- Unable to update fuel capacity unit of measure with Asset Import
- Will fuel work orders that are automatically created still need to be run through Journal and Post
- Work order mapping icon is missing in Fuel Usage Import program after upgrading to 2021.12
Open work tickets:
- GL distribution codes are required for asset types even if assigned at the asset level
- Use asset level AR or GL distribution codes setting is skipped when adding fuel settings to an asset type
Resolved work tickets:
- Add option to Fuel Usage Import to select which type of import to process
- Asset fuel entries created from modernized Fuel Usage Import have missing and incorrect information
- Assets and Asset Registry are pulling in Fuel Types by Administrative Department
- Current odometer read is not being updated by Fuel Import
- Fuel Import Preprocessing Integration program stuck on Loading
- Fuel Preprocessing error - There was an error checking for pending fuel processing records
- Fuel Preprocessing error - Work order type by asset type or asset for fuel consumption is not determined yet
- Fuel Preprocessing program continuously loads and refreshes
- Fuel Preprocessing program stuck on Generating Meter History
- Fuel Preprocessing program stuck on Generating Meter History after the release of MUN-483141
- Fuel Preprocessing records intermittently do not open when double clicking
- Fuel total cost does not match with fuel unit cost and quantity - Due to rounding defect
- Fuel Type Codes will not open
- Fuel type is requiring inventory information for imports that should not affect inventory
- Modernized Fuel Import allows duplicate records to be imported
- No activity code available to select on a work order after associating a fuel activity code with an asset type
- Number of Dials field is falsely required when updating an Equipment asset in Asset Registry
- Read date comes in as YYYYMMDD instead of MMDDYYYY when using the Fuelmaster Plus import format
- Receive an error when hour meter reading is mapped in fuel import file and reading is zero
- Unable to process a manual import for meter readings with the modernized fuel import program
Additional Information