NYSLRS Contributions Generate failed - String or binary data would be truncated

Description of Issue

When generating we get an error message:

usp_NYSLRS_Contribuitions_Generate Failed: <?xml version="1.0" encoding+"windows-1252"?> <SQLError> <row Value+"8152|String or binary data would be truncated. Line in SP: 550"/> </SQLError>

  • Payroll
  • New York
  • NYSLRS Report

Indicates that an invalid value was entered in State Reporting Codes.


Review Employee ID Codes and Crosswalk Codes for invalid data. 

  1. Navigate to State Reporting Codes
  2. Select Employee ID Codes
  3. Select Define
  4. Select NYSLRS Employment Instance
  5. Select Accept
  6. Click the Employment Instance ID column header to sort the column
  7. Review the data to confirm that the Crosswalk Code value on every line of the Crosswalk is a 3 digit number
  8. If an invalid Employment Instance ID value is found, select Update to correct it.  Otherwise, select Back to return to  State Reporting Codes.
  9. Select Crosswalk Codes 
  10. Review each of the following Crosswalk Type codes: 
    1. PAY FREQ - Confirm that the Crosswalk Code value on every line of the Crosswalk is a single capital letter
    2. PERS STAT - Confirm that the Crosswalk Code value on every line of the Crosswalk is either R, or T
    3. SLRS FTPT - Confirm that the Crosswalk Code value on every line of the Crosswalk is either F or P 
    4. SLRS JOB - Confirm that the Crosswalk Code value on every line of the Crosswalk is populated with a 6 character code
    5. SLRS PAY - Confirm that the Crosswalk Code value on every line of the Crosswalk only contains 3 letters (i.e. EAR, not EARN).
    6. SLRS REAS - Confirm that the Crosswalk Code value on every line of the Crosswalk is either blank, or populated with LOA, MED or MIL.
  11. If an invalid value is found, select Update to correct it.