Oops, something went wrong! when accessing Announcements in Employee Access Settings

Description of Issue

When accessing Announcements in Employee Access Administration Settings, the web page fails to render and returns the error Oops, something went wrong!

  • Enterprise ERP

  • EERP

  • Human Capital Management

  • Tyler Employee Access User Settings

  • Employee Access

  • EA

  • User has not registered in Employee Access

  • Can Manage Announcements box is not checked in Tyler Employee Access User Settings

  1. Ensure user has registered for Employee Access https://<customeridentifier>-<env>.tylerportico.com/tesp/employee-selfservice/register

  2. User will also need to be added to EmployeeAdmins groups in Admin Center  

  3. In EERP navigate to Human Capital Management > Human Resources > Personel Setup > Tyler Employee Access Settings

  4. Click on Users in the toolbar

  5. Search for User

  6. Click Update in the toolbar

  7. Check the box for Can Manage Announcements

  8. Click Accept

Additional Information

Please reach out to EERP Human Resources Support for additional information