Adding AP Payment Manager in SaaS Does Not Surface Payment Manager in AWS Version 2021.7+

Description of Issue

 After running System Update to activate AP Payment Manager and refreshing the Tyler Menu for AWS Installations in Versions 2021.7 and higher, AP Payment Manager does not surface in the Tyler Menu.

  • System Update
  • AP Payment Manager
  • Hub

Tyler Menu cache does not clear


Manually clearing the Tyler Menu cache appears to surface AP Payment Manager in Check Reconciliation once it is run.

For other versions see Adding AP Payment Manager in SaaS Does Not Surface Payment Manager

Additional Information

Confirm that Payment Manager showing in Menu Settings > Menu Design

Identify menu cache location by performing menu update.

System Admin > General Administration > Menu Settings > Base Menu Settings

  1. Click Menu Update
  2. Click Yes to Force Menu Update
  3. The Force Menu Update popup will contain the menu cache directory location. 
  4. Copy menu cache directory location. Usually d:\musys\munXXXXenv\cache_XXXXenv\
  5. Can proceed with Force Menu Update, if desired by clicking Yes. Otherwise, click No. 

Navigate to the menu cache directory location on the server.

  1. Delete contents of cache_xxxxenv folder
  2. Return to EERP
  3. Refresh menu