EERP Search Tools

EERP Search Tools

Description of Issue

How can I search for specific data sets in genero programs?

  • EERP

  • Genero Programs







is null

Use to find records that have a NULL in a field.

= or ==

equal to

Use to find records that are equal to the value typed in the box. For example, typing =ME in the State box finds records where the value equals ME.

less than

Use to find records with a value less than the data typed in the box. For example, typing <L finds data from A–K.


less than or equal to

Use to find records with a value less than or equal to the data typed in the box. For example, typing <=L finds data from A–L.

greater than

Use to find records with a value greater than the data typed in the box. For example, typing >L finds data from M–Z.


greater than or equal to

Use to find records with a value greater than or equal to the data typed in the box.

For example, typing >=L finds data from L–Z.

<> or !=

not equal

Use to find records with values not equal to the data typed in the box. For example, typing <>1 finds all records where the value is not equal to 1.


less than ASCII (33)

Use to find records that have a space in a field.

: or ..


Use to find records based on data between and including two limiting characters.

For example, typing A:C or A..C finds Alabama, Bermuda, California. Typing a:c or a..c finds account, bank, credit.



Use to find records with this value or that value. For example, typing Cash|Charge finds all records where the value equals Cash, if it exists, and all records where the value equals Charge, if it exists.



Use to find all records with the same sequential character string that begins, includes, or ends with an asterisk (*). For example, typing ARL* finds all records starting with ARL, such as ARLBERG, ARLINGTON, ARLON, and so on. Typing *H finds all records ending with H such as SMITH, WORTH, and so on.


single-character wildcard

Use to find all records with the same sequential character string where only a single-character differs. For example, typing A?C finds all records where the value equals ABC, ADC, ACC, AEC, and so on.  Typing A??D finds all records where the value is 4 characters, starts with A and ends with D.  Each ? represents one character.  Only valid for character fields.


a set of characters

Use to find all codes, as follows:

·         Start with N or T:  [NT]*

·         Start in lowercase:  [a-z]*

·         Start in uppercase:  [A-Z]*

Use to find all two-character codes, as follows:

·         Start in lowercase:  [a-z]?

·         Start in uppercase:  [A-Z]?

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