Week Separator Line Does not Show in Employee Time Maintenance for the Current Period in Time and Attendance

Description of Issue

The week separator line is not showing in Employee Time Maintenance for the current pay period for one employee in Time and Attendance. 

  • Time & Attendance

  •  Supervisor Actions


The option in Preferences to save the application configuration at logout was selected and the employee sorted the columns in Employee Time Maintenance Current Pay Period by allocation. The option to save the application configuration at logout was then turned off. Therefore the sort by allocation option was saved as the default and the line is not available. 

  1. Navigate to Preferences 

  2. Under subheading Application Control → Automatically save application configuration on logout → check box

  3. Select Save

  4. Select Employee Time Maintenance → Current Pay Period

  5. Select the Daily column → notice week separator line is showing 

  6. Navigate to Preferences

  7. Under subheading Application Control → Automatically save application configuration on logout → uncheck box 

  8. Select Save

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