How to VNC to New LinuxOS Clocks
Newer clocks (such as the TT7 and TT10) are no longer able to connect via VNC
Time Clock
Due to new security measures, when connecting to the clock through VNC for remote control, you must open an SSH connection first before you can connect with VNC.
Obtain the IP address of the clock you need to connect to
On the machine where you want to connect to the clock from, open Command Prompt as administrator (shift + right click > Run as Administrator)
Run the following command, replacing IPADDRESS with the IP address of the clock
ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 root@IPADDRESS
Press Enter and then put in the root password when prompted
User: root
Don't have a record of this password? Please contact Time & Attendance Support or log a case via the Online Support Client Portal and reference this article
The SSH connection has now been established and will remain connected until you close the CMD window or use CTRL + C to close the connection in the command window.
Please note: This window needs to remain open. If closed, the connection to the clock will be ended.
Open VNC Viewer
In the host address field enter localhost:5900
Click OK and enter the VNC Password when prompted
Don't have a record of this password? Please contact Time & Attendance Support or log a case via the Online Support Client Portal and reference this article
You should now be connected with VNC