Adjust Enterprise Form Template alignment
Adjust Enterprise Form Template alignment
Description of Issue
- The MICRLine of the check is not with in bank requirements and fails bank testing
- Document can be at, near or over the perforation of stock
- Document not properly centered on the page
- Munis
- ReadyForms
- RF
- Enterprise Forms
- EF
- Adjust
- Template
- MICRLine
- stock perforation
- alignment
- Bank requirements
- Printer model differences
- Stricter bank positioning requirement or other bank differences
- Navigate to Tyler Menu > Forms > Enterprise Forms Administration
- Select the category that best represents the needed template from the left-hand side menu
- Select the desired template from the subcategory menu
- Click on Configuration Options tab, make proper adjustments for vertical and horizontal shift
The shifts will default to zero and must contain a value.
Adjustments are in inches using a decimal number to a precision of 4.
The vertical page shift will shift up when the number is negative and down when the number is positive.
The horizontal page shift will shift left when the number is negative and right when the number is positive.
- The adjustments will affect all pages of the output for the associated template including backers and overflow pages. A number can be manually entered or incremented using the appropriate button to add or subtract the shift in increments of .0001.
- Click Save
Additional Information
Create a new Template: How to create a new template with Enterprise Forms
Update RF version to the latest version: Update Enterprise Forms version via TylerDeploy