Verify ReadyForms URL in Munis
Error(s) encountered in ReadyForms raise the question of whether the ReadyForms integration URL in Munis is set correctly
Error(s) encountered in ReadyForms raise the question of whether the ReadyForms integration URL in Munis is correct
From the Munis ERP menu, navigate to System Administration > General Administration > Diagnostic Utility and Run-Time Information
Click the SERVER tab
Scroll down to the Server Environment Variables section
In the text pane scroll down to TYLERFORMS_URL and verify if the URL is correct. The URL needs to end in /api.
From the Munis ERP menu, navigate to System Administration > General Administration > System Settings
Click the Site Settings button.
The value in the ReadyForms Base URL field should read {ENV:TYLERFORMS_URL}. This directs Munis to use the value shown in Diagnostic Utility and Run-Time Information