Retain Copies of Records Prior to Purge History Journal Entries Processed

Description of Issue

Need to retain copies of Munis journals before they are purged out of Munis GL.

  • Purge
  • Journal History
  • Retain Data File
  • Site must retain data files for old Munis Fiscal Year GL Journals before purging out of Munis.
  1. Browse Munis > Financials > General Ledger Menu > End of Period Purge History Journal Entries
  2. Select Unload
  3. Type a user-defined file name at the prompt
    • The program does not check for existing files so be sure to enter a unique file name
    • 15 character limit
    • The path and file name display
  4. Confirm data file has been correctly saved by utilizing
    • ASCII file that is PIPE special character ' | ' delimited and opens with notepad
  5. Use File Transfer to locate an Exported File NOT found in Saved Reports
Additional Information
  • Test process in Train or Test database to prove it can be accomplished successfully and with the desired results
  • Everything in the year entered and everything before the year entered is selected to retain prior to moving forward with purge process
  • The year must be at least 2 years prior to the value of the Current Year/Period box in General Ledger Settings.
  • Last Year and Next Year retail are not allowed the same rule for purge option
  • **UNKNOWN** User ID File Name spooled file cannot be viewed in Saved Reports

  • Some sites are required to obtain hard copies not just data file backups of purged Munis Journal data.