NY Tax - Cannot update txyrparm 2625 error in Print Lien List Update

Description of Issue

When processing new liens through the Print Lien List/Update program, the error Cannot update txyrparm -2625 is received. 

  • NY Property Tax Billing 
  • Print Lien List/Update (tltakupd) 
  • Tax Year Settings (txyrparm)

There is no category 23 Tax Year Settings for the cycle/com of one or more of the bills being converted to a lien. 


New York can create category 20 - real estate bills for multiple cycles and commitments in the same year. Typically each cycle and commitment is unique for a specific town, county, or school on a yearly basis. 

When completing the lien process, a corresponding category 23 Tax Year Setting for each cycle and commitment is needed for each category 20 cycle and commitment being taken into lien. 

Use the steps outlined in the following article to copy an existing category 23 Tax Year Setting into the year being liened for each cycle/commitment that is being liened: Copy or Duplicate a Tax Year Setting

Additional Information

If additional assistance is required, please contact the Northeast tax support team.Â