Cashiering Logging Levels
How to adjust Cashiering logging levels
Log into the Cashiering web based client with an admin account
From the left side menu, click Administration
Click Settings
Click the General tab
Under Logging, adjust levels as desired
If desired, set Maintain logs for and Clear logs at
Click Save
2019.1 and 2019.3
Log into the desktop client with an admin account
In the ribbon, click Setup, then click Settings
Click the Logging tab and set desired logging level
If desired, set Days to maintain logs and Time to clear logs
Click Save
Open the Tyler Cashiering client shortcut on the desktop
Before logging into the desired environment, click edit
Select the desired level from the Logging dropdown
Click Save
DO NOT leave logging set to Debug for longer than necessary, or ensure a frequency to maintain logs and a time to clear the logs is set. If logging is left on Debug and the logs aren't being cleared regularly, it will cause the database to grow faster than normal which can lead to a number of problems.