Tyler Cashiering Area 51 Error When Logging In

Tyler Cashiering Area 51 Error When Logging In

Description of Issue

When logging into the web version of Tyler Cashiering (2020+), you are met with the error message:

Area 51 Sorry, we can't let you in here. You don't have the security clear to view this page. Contact your system administrator for access.

  • Tyler Cashiering (2020+)
  • Cashiering
  • Authentication
  • User Administration

User does not exist in Cashiering, there is missing and/or incorrect information such as an email address, insufficient permissions, or the user account is inactive. 

  1. Log into Cashiering with an administrator account
    1. Note: Cashiering is deployed with at least one initial Administrator Account which is defined in Tyler Deploy
  2. Navigate to Administration > Users
  3. Locate the desired user and click the Pencil/Edit icon
    1. If user does not exist, click the plus icon to add a new user
  4. Enter user information and ensure the email address field matches the one the user is authenticating with
    1. If using TID-W, the user login typically is their email address
  5. Ensure Active is toggled on
  6. The user must be assigned either the Administrator or Cashier role
    1. Inquiry grants access to Cashiering information via Hub. It does not grant access to the Cashiering application.
  7. Click Save
  8. Have user log in again
    1. Note: User may need to clear browser cache
Additional Information

If the user needs to access Cashiering from Hub:

  1. After successfully logged into Cashiering, navigate to Hub
  2. In the Tyler Menu, click the ellipses (three vertical dots) in the top right corner
  3. Click Refresh

Cashiering Administrator Access

Master Article - Clear Browser Cache