Cannot add Chinese address in Employee Master

Description of Issue

Site needs to enter a Chinese city, Haidian District, and zip code 100083 into Employee Master.  However, there is a Zip Code record in the system for 10008 for New York City.  System forces in city New York when enter the zip code 100083

  • Payroll

  • Employee Master

  • Miscellaneous Codes

  • Country Code

  • State Codes


System Defect


Install applicable work ticket when available:


Additional Information


  1. Go to Miscellaneous Codes (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Miscellaneous Codes)

  2. Search for Code CTRY-Country Code. Click Add

  3. Define Code, Shot Desc, Long Desc and Data ######. Click Accept.

    1. Example: Code CHIN, Short Description CHINA, Long Description People's Republic of China, Data ######.

  4. Go to State Codes (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Income Tax Setup>State Codes)

  5. Click Add. Define State Code, Description, Tax Table Code 00-NONE and State ID #1 999999.

    1. Example: State Code BJ, Description BEIJING, Table Code 00-NONE, State ID#1 999999.

  6. Attempt to define the Address in Employee Master. (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Master. Search for the employee. Click Update. Click Address tab)

  7. If necessary to add a Zip Code, go to System Administration>Miscellaneous Administration>Zip Codes.

  8. Click Add. Define necessary Zip Code. Click Accept. 

Contact Payroll Support for further assistance if needed.