External Task fails to submit to EnerGov - Due to required Contact Role

Description of Issue
  • External Task fails to submit to EnerGov due to required Contact Role 

  • Error in WindowService Log: Error deserializing response from EnerGov API -→ System.Exception: Validation Error: Required Contact Types: -OWNER

  • Tyler 311

  • Enterprise Service Requests 

  • ESR

  • EnerGov 

  • Enterprise Permitting & Licensing 

  • EPL 


If there is a required contact type for the Code Case in EnerGov, then when adding a contact to the request in 311, a contact role must be selected.


Add a contact with the required Contact Role to the Request 

Additional Information

Refer to Master Article - External Task fails to submit to EnerGov for other reasons as to why the External Tasks fails to submit to EnerGov