Database view for comment fields in Business Accounts

Description of Issue

Client needs TRS view containing Comment1 and Comment2 fields in Business Accounts

  • All Munis versions

  • SSRS reports

  • Crystal reports

  • Business Accounts


The View Database Columns overlay for comment fields show comment fields as derived


To view these comment fields in Munis, follow the steps below:

  1. In Tyler Menu, navigate to Munis > Property Revenue > Business Licenses > License Processing and Reports > Business Accounts

  2. Click TEXT/COMMENTS tab to view comment fields.

In the following sample query, replace XXXX with the Account ID to view COMMENT 1. Replace blmstcm1 with blmstcm2 to view COMMENT 2.

SELECT td_text FROM mu_text WHERE th_program = 'blmstcm1' AND th_index_value = 'XXXX'

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