Current year projected actual and projected actual

Current year projected actual and projected actual

Description of Issue

What is the difference between the Current year projected actual field and the projected actual field?

  • Next Year Budget Entry

  • Central Budget Entry

  • Projected Actual

  • Current year projected actual

  • Projection


The Current year projected actual and Projected actual amounts come from 2 different places that are easiest to see in next year budget entry.


Central budget entry

  1. Projected  = Current year projected actual in Next year budget entry

  2. Updating this amount in Central Budget entry updates the Current year projected actual for the account as well as the projected actual total amount that display in Next year budget entry

Next year budget entry

  1. Current Year Projected Actual = Projected in Central budget entry

Updating this amount updates the Projected in Central budget entry as well as the projected actual total amount that display in Next year budget entry. This field is what displays on the Next year / Current year Budget Analysis Report

       2. Projected Actual - Sum total of all the Current year projected actual amounts from Next year budget entry which should = the Projected                        amounts that display in Central Budget Entry

How the Projected Actual field calculates for the budget projection

Additional Information