Account is missing from the Next year Current year budget analysis report

Description of Issue

I am running the Next year / Current year budget analysis report and there is an account missing

  • Budget

  • Next year Budget Report

  • Projected

  • Suppress zero budge amounts is checked

  • Account only has a projected actual amount in Central budget entry / next year budget entry

  • No budget amounts listed on the projection

  • Remove Suppress zero budget amounts

  • Or export the report to Excel. You would be able to add a new row with the details for that account and then format the report as you see fit, and also export that report as a PDF

Additional Information

Projected actual amounts are not budget amounts or projected budget amounts. These are projected 'actuals' so the account in question does not have any budget amounts.

Suppress zero budget amount accounts will remove these particular account from displaying on the report.Â