Overbudget message on multiyear funds

Overbudget message on multiyear funds

Description of Issue

Entering a transaction to the current year on a multiyear account and receiving an over budget warning or error 

  • Account Inquiry

  • Over Budget

  • Warning

  • Error

  • Life 

  • Multiyear

  • Multi year

  • General Journal Entry


The type of Multiyear Fund determines where MUNIS will look for the appropriate available budget amount 

  • Life Multiyear funds - use the available budget in the life column in Account inquiry

  • Multiyear funds that budget annually - use the available in the appropriate year column in Account inquiry (if the transaction is being posted for the current year MUNIS uses the current year available amount, etc)


Verify the type of Multiyear fund and if the appropriate column available amount is being used when calculating the overbudget message

Additional Information

Please contact General Ledger Support if there are any further questions or issues found in any amounts