Update a Title to Foreclosed

Update a Title to Foreclosed

Description of Issue

A title is being foreclosed on and the status needs to be changed to foreclosed. 

  • MA Tax
  • Titles
  • Redemption/Foreclosure Update (ttforeup)

A title needs to change status to foreclosed because of failure to make payment or legal action. 

  1. Navigate to the Redemption/Foreclosure Update program either by searching or using the following path: Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > Northeast > Massachusetts > Tax Title Processing/Reports > Redemption/Foreclosure Update
  2. Click Search in the top ribbon.  
  3. Enter the Title Year and Title Number or Parcel
  4. Use the arrows at the bottom of the screen to select the correct record if multiple search results are returned. 
  5. Click Change Status. 
  6. Click Define
  7. Choose Foreclosed from the Change Status To dropdown menu.
  8. Choose a Status Reason if available. 
  9. Enter the Foreclosure Date. 
  10. Enter the Foreclosure Book/Page if desired. 
  11. Click Accept
  12. Click Post
  13. A message displays: Post Complete. 
  14. Click OK.
Additional Information
  • To update the status of a title to Redeemed, please follow the steps outline here: Update a Title to Redeemed
  • If further assistance is required, please contact Northeast Tax Support.